Italy Work Visa Process 2024 (Application Guideline)

The Italy work visa, officially known as the National D Visa, stands out as a comparatively straightforward and accessible long-term visa process. In my perspective, it emerges as one of the easiest work visas to obtain when juxtaposed with procedures in other countries.

 Upon securing the work visa enabling travel to Italy, the subsequent step involves applying for the permesso di soggiorno, or Residence permit, within a timeframe of 8 days. It’s crucial to note that the Italian Government exclusively entertains work permit applications during specified periods and adheres to defined quotas for granting these permits to foreign workers.

 This regulation is encapsulated in the Decreto Flussi, or “flow decree,” with the latest guidelines released on October 6, 2023, outlining quotas for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025. The following paragraphs delve into more detailed insights into this application process.

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Understanding the Functioning of Italy’s Work Visa System: Decreto Flussi

The Decreto Flussi, an authoritative decree by the Italian government, establishes the quotas governing the admission of non-EU citizens into Italy. This decree, officially recorded in the Italian Official Gazette on October 6, 2023, outlines the regulations and limits about the influx of individuals from non-EU countries into Italy.

Projected Quotas for Non-EU Entry in 2024

The Decreto Flussi, a significant Italian government decree determining the entry quotas for non-EU citizens, unfolds in a series of steps. Issued on October 6, 2023, as recorded in the Italian Official Gazette, the decree outlines the plan for the year 2024.

Total Quota: The overarching allocation for the entry of non-EU citizens into Italy in 2024 is fixed at 151,000 individuals.

Work in a Subordinate Relationship (Non-Seasonal): A specific quota of 57,770 is dedicated to individuals seeking non-seasonal employment in a subordinate relationship.

Self-Employment: For those pursuing self-employment opportunities, a distinct quota of 780 is established.

Seasonal Work: The decree designates a quota of 85,450 for individuals intending to engage in seasonal employment in Italy.

These step-by-step allocations illustrate the meticulous planning involved in the Decreto Flussi, showcasing the Italian government’s deliberate approach to managing and facilitating the entry of non-EU citizens based on distinct employment categories.

Key Dates

Mark your calendars for the crucial dates related to the Decreto Flussi 2024:

  • Employer Submissions: Italian employers can submit applications from January 1, 2024, to March 31, 2024.
  • Non-EU Citizen Submissions: Non-EU citizens looking to apply can submit their applications during the period from April 1, 2024, to May 31, 2024.

These delineated timelines indicate the specific windows for both Italian employers and non-EU citizens to engage with the Decreto Flussi process in 2024.

Award Requirements

Secure Job Offer

Find a job in Italy and obtain a formal job offer.

Apply for Work Permit

Start the work permit application process.

Submit Visa Application

Complete the process by submitting your Work Visa application at the Italian embassy.

Securing Employment: Obtaining a Job Offer from an Italian Employer

Securing a job in Italy is paramount, as it is a prerequisite for applying for both an Italian work permit and a work visa. An official job offer from an Italian employer is essential to initiate the application process.

Documents to be Submitted

  • Copy of your signed work contract.
  • Submit both the original and a photocopy of your Nulla Osta (work permit).
  • Completed Italian Long-Stay Visa Application form.
  • Passport
  • Proof of accommodation in Italy.
  • Proof of sufficient financial means.
  • Proof of paid visa fee.
  • Diplomas/other certificates.

Duration of the Italy Work Visa

The Long-term National Visa application is initially granted for a period of two years, with the option for renewal for up to five years.

Procedure to Apply for Italy Work Visa Process 

Visit the Official Website

Navigate to the official “Visa for Italy” website managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Explore Information

Explore the website to gather essential information about work visas, including requirements, processes, and necessary documentation.

Application Center (VFS Global)

If applicable in your country, visit the VFS Global website at serves as the official visa application center for Italy in many nations.

Check Visa Fees

On the VFS Global website, find details about visa fees associated with your application.

Schedule an Appointment

Utilize the provided resources to schedule an appointment for your visa application. Follow any outlined procedures for appointment booking.

Submit Documents

Prepare and submit the required documents as specified on the official website and the VFS Global platform.

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